Friday, March 6, 2020

I Hate the Organic Chemistry Tutor - Reddit

I Hate the Organic Chemistry Tutor - RedditThe I Hate the Organic Chemistry Tutor is a website that has become popular over the last few years. It has been likened to the classic Beauty and the Beast when it comes to old and new-age witch hunting. This is no surprise in this day and age of the internet.When I was going through my class work and reading up on all the great history and the great people that have shaped the world we live in, I noticed something interesting about a teacher that I'd once considered one of the most intelligent and well-educated individuals. He was only up to English reading level. Now this was interesting to me as he would sit and write down the answer for my homework on his computer, rather than spend time with me in a typical conversation about important issues like the election or the Civil War.The question came to me as to why the organic chemistry tutor had this tendency to do this. The question was answered to me, because I now know that this is the way that many people like this instructor who has embraced a mindset of seeking out information. They won't sit with you in a traditional classroom setting and talk about things that are important to you, but they will seek out all the information that they can on the internet. They will not come to your home and share with you about life's greatest experiences.They would rather seek out information, be it online or on the college campus, the organic chemistry tutor, his story to me makes me wonder about the lack of education among a large part of the current population of the United States. There are so many different areas that are lacking from the regular school's curriculum that this organic chemistry tutor would just as soon take his work to the computer and have his home office filled with info, rather than engage in the honest dialog and interaction that he would like to have with you as a fellow human being.It's interesting how these teacher's mind set and the organic chemis try tutor, with their question about the evolution of Earth and his curiosity about it, have been called out as 'extremists' by the organic chemistry tutor and his students, because it has not been their in depth discussions, but instead it has been the internet that they have used to inform themselves about these topics. Their actions, or lack thereof, show that they do not think much of you as a fellow human being.The organic chemistry tutor, or I Hate the Organic Chemistry Tutor, also happens to be one of the leaders of the independent school movement. This means that he is trying to create programs that are more interactive, have a 'Big Picture' approach rather than a 'Blow by Blow' approach.It is interesting to me that we've created these ideologies of groups that work, whether in the private or public sector, these two ideologies have come together to form what we call the organic chemistry tutor. It is all about the question as to why he has taken up residence in the teacher' s chair and whether he thinks that he should keep his job. What are your thoughts on this issue?

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